Thursday, December 8, 2022

Top 10 Cursed Messages Left On Tombstones

 10.  here's a quick question for you kind of  grim when you die what's the message  You're Gonna Leave right on your  Tombstone what's the one message you  want to leave for everyone else mine  would be like And subscribe I'd be like  yeah nice got the last word you will  believe number four is what it says I'm  Taylor mcwaters and here are the top 10  cursed messages left on tombstones here  we go copper list at number 10 ancient  curse we'll kick this list off in  ancient Egypt then we'll work our way up  to more modern stuff you know how it is  what officials found the tomb of egg  mahor a pharaoh official that lived 4  000 years ago they also found a warning  a message a curse rather it was written  right there on the wall that's how you  know that you're furry the name estaba  an above ground massive tomb held this  warning it reads might do against this  my tomb the same shall be done to your  property yeah you mess with my stuff  I'll haunt you and your family how does  that sound deal all right deal it also  warns of ekmahore's knowledge of secret  spells and magic and it threatens to  fill in pure and true orders with a fear  of seeing ghosts yeah the sparrow  official wasn't [ __ ] around that's  for sure number nine remember death uh  yes can't forget turning the calendars a  bit forward now to 1794 A.D a man named  James Leeson was 38 at the time of his  passing now his grave is in New York and  it's one of the most visited Graves ever  the message left over on his Tombstone  is quite simple it's just a few symbols  some Harry Potter stuff going on that's  all it takes some otherwise standard  headstone if it's an hourglass with  wings a Most Cursed Objects flaming urn and a stone Cutter's  tool suggesting that this person may  have been a Mason there's one line at  the top that was decoded a century later  in 1889 somebody finally figured out  another message and this message said  remember death so now that we know this  those symbols become a bit more eerie an  hourglass with wings that symbolizes  time passing quickly and the Flaming urn  represents a Soul's immortality nice how  lovely again on my headstone it'll say  like and or subscribe number eight Alan  Shannon in 1870 we obviously didn't have  the same safety requirements as we do  today WHMIS wasn't born yet we didn't  have anything right no safety hats  nothing like that for example if you  wanted to read a little novel before bed  you didn't have a kind Kindle with you  you didn't even have a nightlight for  that matter but you did have a kerosene  lamp how lucky are you that's that's  horrible that's pretty much all you had  back then Ellen had used Ari danforth's  non-explosive burning fluid and well  dare I say the obvious happened you know  the title of this list pretty Grim her  tombstone in Pennsylvania doesn't shy  away from the cause of her untimely  death see in a time before Twitter this  was the best way to spread Awareness on  otherwise a horrible product Alan  Shannon's Tombstone reads in memory of  Alan Shannon aged 26 years old who was  fatally burned on the 21st of March 1870  by the explosion of a lamp filled with  re danforths non-explosive burning fluid  yeah that's a tragedy MOST BIZARRE CURSES of course and  that's a horrible way to go out but I  admire that the family boldly put re  Danforth himself publicly as the cause  of her death they put him on blast for  lack of a better term  number seven midnight Mary back in 1872  in New Haven Connecticut Mary E Hart AKA  midnight Mary was placed in a casket and  buried thought to be dead but really she  was still alive yeah just unconscious  she was accidentally buried alive how  terrible is that and Mary's tombstone  has a lot of information all things  considered the massive slab of pink  stone reads at High Noon just from and  about to renew her daily work and her  full strength of body and mind Mary E  Hart had fallen remained unconscious  until she died at midnight October 15  1872 born December 16 1824 and then  underneath there's one line that reads  the people shall be troubled at midnight  and pass away alright that one lines a  bit much who added that that's [ __ ] up  many have noted that this phrase is from  the Old Testament sure but the tale of  her being buried alive suggests that  there might be a midnight curse lurking  about either way that is a horrible  horrible way to to go out that's  probably my worst fear that's my new  worst fear number six ancient  entanglement all right once a thriving  beautiful city in ancient Rome Pompeii  was sadly destroyed in 79 A.D now the  eruption of Mount Vesuvius burned the  ancient city in volcanic ash and  excavation didn't begin until the 18th  century much later and after a full  Century of careful excavation the city  was then reopened to the public once  again and now we're at the point where  we're uncovering even more art and even  more messages from that time yeah  messages found on the walls of ancient  buildings in Pompeii there's one  exchange that I love personally it's  about two men named successes and  Severus and here's the message let's do  this successes a weaver loves the  innkeeper's girl her name was Iris she  however did not love him T now still he  begs her to have pity on him now his  rival Severus wrote back on again said  wall he added to this message and he  wrote goodbye envious one why do you get  in the way submit to a handsomer man and  one who is is being treated very wrongly  and good looking I have spoken I have  written all that there is to say you  love Iris but she does not love you yeah  a lot of drama going on right and then  Mount Vesuvius randomly erupted and then  nobody settled their beef ever yeah this  is why you don't waste time in love  triangles okay just let her go hit that  thumbs up and let her go Mount Vesuvius  could go off any day and you're stuck in  an entanglement get out of here it's not  79 A.D The Creepiest Urban Legend anymore number five Eugene 1929  Ohio a corpse just randomly appeared on  the road just right in the middle of the  road just 1920s things I guess there was  an address found on this man's body but  that address led to an empty plot of  land they also had no name for this man  as well so they named him Eugene they  just named him after a local neighbor  that's a pretty odd exchange like Hey  we're gonna name this guy after you no  worries yeah we just found him they use  this body as an attraction he was a  mummy that people would visit when they  swung by in town like a museum  attraction only not a pharaoh and a man  from the 1920s in Ohio little little  different now when people started to ask  more about this mummy in Ohio this  random ass mummy locals all agreed to  finally lay the stranger to rest  underground and not you know as an  attraction ideally so now we do see his  grave it just says Eugene found dead in  1929 and buried 1964. yeah I bet so many  people see this and they're so confused  they're like what send them this video  and be like hey you're not going to  believe number five watch this guy watch  this guy with a beanie explain it he's  much better at it than me number four  Mary Jane McCune Mary Jane McCune was  the wife of one James Farr now she was  born in 1838 and she passed away in  1855. underneath Mary Jane's name is a  message on how she passed and fair  warning like the others this is quite  Grim it says Mary Jane McCune was bitten  by a rabid coyote developed rabies  became violent and was then smothered  with feather bed holy [ __ ] again imagine  just seeing that in the middle of  nowhere it's like Todd what the [ __ ]  Barry the story even recalls that the  husband James was away for work at time  all this happened and he only found out  what happened as soon as he got back  that's so tragic that's the thing with  these old wrestling places they have  tons of information because that was the  only way really to spread it that was  your legacy it was literally written in  stone rabies smothered I'm like oh my  God can we leave some of this out this  is pretty dark number three kv-55 this  tomb was found in the Valley of the  Kings by Edward Arrington back in 1907.  it was discovered right next to King  Tut's tomb it was a big deal but the  reason we call this tomb by a number  rather than you know King Tut's tomb or  another name is because we have no idea  who was made for it's just bear which is  extremely odd for an ancient tomb like  this but as you walk down the 20 steps  towards kb-55 you'll notice only a few  markings on the entrance markings that  show that the entrance was once widened  since its first cut along with its  ceiling being raised higher so again  somebody important was in here it's just  a matter of why they were important  right what did they do what happened a  little bit of History the only hint as  to who is buried remains on the walls  and it's in one hieroglyph and that  hieroglyph translates 2 the evil one  shall not live again okay while I sure  hope not whatever happened in there I've  seen the mummy you know I'm all set  let's keep it shut number two bone  Compass warning okay just because we've  been talking about Graves doesn't mean  these messages have to be written or  carved or drawn per se sometimes these  messages can be  as simple as leaving  animal bones on the ground yeah that  ought to speak for itself you see that  in the woods you're on your way see you  later in St Augustine for example the  remains of a donkey were found buried  underground and judging from the skull  it had been clearly hunted down by  humans right it was very not normal now  that's not the mysterious part the  mysterious part here is that all the  bones have been carefully separated  there's no marks to suggest that any  tools were used at all so researchers  believe that this animal wasn't meant  for food maybe sacrifice I don't know  it's odd either way it's pretty dark the  limbs were placed to Point North and  South directly they used this donkey as  a compass how rude is that donkeys in  that area in Florida in the 17th century  that's not bizarre but the way that  these bones were buried that definitely  is what's the message here right what's  the point if there is one if you reach  the pile of bones you've gone too far

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